Natural Hair Regrowth Treatments
Hair Treatments
Hair determines our looks, grace, style statement and boosts our confidence, it is made up of scleroprotein or albuminoid substance called keratin. Our scalp has one lac hair approximately, and the number decreases gradually with ageing. so it is normal to lose between 30-40 hair a day.
But if there is an excess of hair fall, we should visit a Cometo-dermatologist immediately. Nowadays hair loss is seen even during young age, in both men and women. Increased DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level, other stress, anxiety, emotional turmoil, some medications, skin conditions, imbalances nutrition, infections, toxic agents, systematic diseases etc. lead to excessive hair fall and even baldness.
Although hair loss is caused by varied reasons, hair growth is primarily regulated by DHT and proper supply of nutrients and growth is primarily regulated by DHT and proper supply of nutrients and growth factors at molecular level to the hair roots or follicles.
Hair loss can be diffuse hair fall, patterned hair loss or localized hair loss (ex. Alopecia areata). The cause of the hair loss need to be investigated and treated with suitable medicines. Hair Fast Therapy is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that provides a number of aesthetic benefits. It is a technique to deliver medicines directly into the areas concerned.
What Causes Hair-Loss?
Alopecia or hair loss is very common condition affecting men & women. Hair Loss (Alopecia) can be due to:-
- Hormonal Changes
- Nutritional Imbalances
- Poor Blood Circulation
- Heredity
- Stress
- Fungal or bacterial infection
Hair Follicular Activity Stimulating Therapy

Hair Follicular Activity Stimulating Therapy (Hair Fast) is the result of our extensive research and intensive clinical trials over 20000 men and women , The trial showed a visible improvement in just 2 months and good results in 4 months irrespective of baldness.
Perfect Point Introduces Hair Follicular Activity Stimulating Therapy (Hair Fast)
It is based on the basic principle and criteria of hair growth and general wellness of the body. Medications and hair nutrients are given in appropriate quantity and in cyclic manner to act at the molecular level and regulate DHT supply and balanced hair food to enhance the anagen phase (growth phase of hair), resulting in hair regrowth by stimulating hair follicles in addition to the oral suppliments, topical applications are also prescribed to prevent shrinking of hair follicles and excessive hair fall and gradually rejuvenate hair roots to start hair growth naturally.
Additionally low level lasers are used to improve micro-blood circulation in the scalp for adequate oxygen supply and transport of the hair nutrients to the hair roots.
Frequently asked questions
Common questions
It accelerates the local circulation of the scalp and nourishes the bulb of the hair. It slows down the progress of involution of hair follicles. It directly stimulates hair growth.
This will vary based on the individual needs of the patient and severity/grade of hair loss. Usually 10-20 sittings are required with a time span of 4-6 months.
80% of patient notice stoppage of hair loss in 4-5 sessions. Growth sets in only after 5 sittings.
Hair Fast Therapy sensation varies from being painless to mildly uncomfortable.
Hair Fast Therapy is very popular aesthetic treatment in Singapore, UK & other countries Perfect Point is one of the first few centers in india to start Hair Fast Therapy. Perfect Point has an experience to modify the treatment as per needs of indian patients.