Dietary Modification
Dietary Modification
Dietary Modification is an integral part of the wellness program offered by PERFECT POINT. The key to losing weight effectively is to eat selectively, yet healthily and also maintaining the right portion sizes. At PERFECT POINT , you are encouraged to adhere to the metabolic rate and body demand system based diet that specifies the distribution of Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein best suitable for you in order to achieve faster, sustained and effective Weight loss.
Each diet is formulated keeping in mind your likes, dislikes and food habits. In case of any associated medical condition, we incorporate suitable therapeutic modifications that contribute towards management of the condition and simultaneously aid in weight loss.

Diet Tips to Reduce Weight
- Always start your day with breakfast.
- Prefer the consumption of whole fruits over juices.
- Use wheat flour without sieving.
- Follow a regular exercise routine
- Avoid overcooking, reheating, or deep freezing food.
- Have Smaller & Frequent Meals, Never skip a meal!
- Remember you EAT to LIVE and DO NOT live to eat.
- Eat more of fiber rich food